Tuesday Jun 4, 2024
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM EDT
Entries Due by Monday, June 17, 2024.
Awards will be given at Little Buffalo Festival, Writer's Nook on Saturday, October 5, 2024.
Online: https://www.perrycountyarts.org/poetic-excellence-awards/
Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSckms8sq9t8k6NzWD20m2xDWn-ord35_9SJTQKzWC6eXX3U_w/viewform
Standard Rate: $5.00 per page up to 3 pages.
Student Rate: $3.00 per page up to 3 pages.
Ariana Koch
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All entries must reach Perry County Council of the Arts or be postmarked by June 17, 2024
Standard RATE Entry Fee: $5 per page.
Student RATE Entry Fee: $3 per page.
Entry Qualifications:
• Anyone may enter the contest; however, only Perry County residents will be eligible for the title of Perry County Poet Laureate.
• All entries must be the original work of the contestant.
• Poems that have won prizes elsewhere may not be submitted to this contest.
• Poems that are currently entered into other competitions may not be submitted.
• Open to all ages. Format:
• Poems may be free or formal verse.
• Poems may represent any subject.
• Up to three pages (8 1/2” x 11”) total, may be submitted.
• May submit (3) one-page poems
• (1) two-page poem and (1) one-page poem
• or (1) three-page poem.
• Poems must be typed on unlined white paper. Handwritten poems will be disqualified.
• DO NOT type or write your name on the same sheet as your poem.
Include with your entry a typed personal information sheet with the following:
? Your name, address, phone number and e-mail address, if available.
? The title and first line of each poem you have entered.
? Be sure to keep copies of your poems. Entries will not be returned.
Two ways to submit entries:
• Mail entries to Poetic Excellence Awards, PCCA, PO Box 354, Newport, PA 17074. Please make checks payable to PCCA.
• Submit entries and fees online at perrycountyarts.org/poetic-excellence-awards
• Perry County Poet Laureate 2024: This title is bestowed only on a resident of Perry County. This honor includes a certificate signed by the Perry County Commissioners, and a cash prize of $250. The Poet Laureate will be a featured reader/speaker at various county and PCCA events throughout the year of reign and will carry an ambassadorial mantle of responsibility to promote and enhance the literary arts in Perry County.
• 1st Prize: $100 and personalized certificate
• 2nd Prize: $50 and personalized certificate
• 3rd Prize: $25 and personalized certificate
• Siggy David Award: $25 and personalized certificate. This category has been established in honor of a long-time friend and PCCA member writer Siggy David in recognition of his many contributions to the literary scene in our community. Entries competing for this award should follow the regular guidelines AND be written in any form with the theme of “Divine.” Please designate entries for this award by typing “SIGGY DAVID AWARD” above the title.
Printed courtesy of www.perrycountychamber.org/ – Contact the Perry County Chamber of Commerce - PA for more information.
PO Box 663, New Bloomfield, PA 17068 – (717) 582-4523 – pccc@perrycountychamber.org